
(972 — 980)

After the death of Svyatoslav, his eldest son Yaropolk began to reign.

Soon between the sons of Svyatoslav Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir, there were strife. Yaropolk went to the Drevlyansky land against Oleg and defeated his army. Oleg fled with the remnants of the troops and died. Hearing about Oleg’s death, Vladimir ran to the Varangians.

Yaropolk sent his posadniks to Novgorod and thus became the sole ruler of the entire Russian land.

Soon Vladimir arrived with the Varangian detachment in Novgorod, drove away the posadniks of Yaropolk and told them to tell him: “Let him know that I am arming myself against him and preparing to repel me.”

Even before the campaign against Yaropolk, Vladimir conquered the principality of Polotsk, killed the Polotsk prince Rogvold and forcibly married his daughter Rogneda, who was considered the bride of Yaropolk. After that he went to Kiev.

Yaropolk was killed due to treason Governor Bluda, who issued Yaropolk to Vladimir.

Having seized Kiev, he restored the monarchy in 980.

Vladimir the Great or Saint (980 – 1015)