Svyatopolk II

(1093 – 1113)

Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich was a weak ruler, an insidious and self-interested man. A lot of violence he did to people, many took away estates, took away the sale of salt in their hands for sale at a high price.

His principality was marked by troubles: especially intense were the feuds for Chernigov and for Volhynia.

The nephews of Izyaslav I and Vsevolod Svyatoslavich, deprived of Chernigov volost, decided to return it with the help of the Polovtsians.

To stop the feuds, the princes gathered at the general council in Lyubech in 1097 and decided that each of them should own the father’s property. The Chernigov region was returned to the Svyatoslavs.

Internal strife in Volhynia began David Igorevich, who was dissatisfied with the fact that the best part went to Vasilko and Volodar Rostislavich. With the help of Svyatopolk, he seized and blinded Vasilka. This struggle ended with a congress in Vyatchev in 1100.

Vladimir II Monomakh (1113 – 1125)