(1054 – 1078)
After Yaroslav the Wise, Izyaslav Yaroslavich became the grand prince, in the reign of which internecine wars began.
The first troubles began with the outcast Rostislav Vladimirovich. The eldest son of Yaroslav Vladimir died during his father’s life. Rostislav’s son, having received no parish from his Yaroslav’s grandfather, and being dissatisfied with what Yaroslav’s sons gave him, recruited his squad and expelled Prince Gleb, son of Svyatoslav from Tmutarakan, established himself on the Taman peninsula, but was poisoned by the Greeks. Gleb Svyatoslavich again took his place. After Rostislav, the sons of Volodar and Vasilko remained.
In 1068, in the south of Russia appeared nomadic people – Polovtsians. They occupied the southern steppes and began raiding the Russian regions.
Izyaslav tried to repel the enemies, but suffered a great defeat. The Kievites again wanted to fight the Polovtsians, asking Izyaslav to give them weapons and horses, but Izyaslav opposed it. This refusal made him quarrel with the people of Kiev, his house was plundered, and he fled to Poland.
The Kiev throne was occupied and held until his death by Svyatoslav. After the death of Svyatoslav Izyaslav again took the throne of Kiev, but died in the struggle against Oleg Svyatoslavich and Boris Vyacheslavich.