(1178 – 1212)
Vsevolod III Yurievich, the Big Nest – the father of a large family – became a Grand Duke and, having remained in Vladimir, finally approved the primacy of this city.
He was famous for his wealth, he kept a large squad, which was glorified by the author of The Lay of Igor’s Host, and kept other princes in fear.
He further strengthened the significance of the Suzdal Principality.
Taking advantage of the strife of the princes, he subordinated them to his power. So he picked up the principality of Ryazan.
Like his predecessors, he made trips to Kamsky Bulgarians.
He had a great influence on the events in southern Russia. The Chronicler, speaking of his religiousness and poverty, adds that he judged the court to be true and unfeigned.
After the death of Vsevolod, the Suzdal Principality was shattered.
In the period 1212 – 1216 years there were strife among the sons of Vsevolod III Constantine and Yuri.